1309 - 1320 of 18697 listings
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  • Dhara Development Research Foundation
    Unique Id of VO/NGO GJ/2015/0088642 Registration Details Registered With Charity Commissioner Type of NGO Trust (Non-Government) Registration No f 1685 Copy of Registration Certificate Available Copy of Pan Card Available Act name 1950 City of Regist...
    Unique Id of VO/NGO GJ/2018/0212282 Registration Details Registered With Registrar of Companies Type of NGO Private Sector Companies (Sec 8/25) Registration No U74999GJ2016NPL094418 Copy of Registration Certificate Available Copy of Pan Card Availabl...
    Unique Id of VO/NGO GJ/2021/0295804 Registration Details Registered With Registrar of Companies Type of NGO Private Sector Companies (Sec 8/25) Registration No U85300GJ2021NPL121303 Copy of Registration Certificate Available Copy of Pan Card Availabl...
    Unique Id of VO/NGO GJ/2018/0192379 Registration Details Registered With Charity Commissioner Type of NGO Trust (Non-Government) Registration No E/2257/AMRELI Copy of Registration Certificate Available Copy of Pan Card Available Act name BOMBAY ACT 1...
  • Development Support Centre
    Unique Id of VO/NGO GJ/2017/0114855 Registration Details Registered With Registrar of Societies Type of NGO Registered Societies (Non-Government) Registration No GUJ/4400/ Ahmedabad Copy of Registration Certificate Available Copy of Pan Card Availabl...
    Unique Id of VO/NGO GJ/2022/0323129 Registration Details Registered With Charity Commissioner Type of NGO Trust (Non-Government) Registration No E/18909/AHMEDABAD Copy of Registration Certificate Available Copy of Pan Card Available Act name GUJARAT ...
  • Destiny Foundation and Charitable Society
    Unique Id of VO/NGO GJ/2020/0271541 Registration Details Registered With Registrar of Societies Type of NGO Registered Societies (Non-Government) Registration No GJ/1403/JAMNAGAR Copy of Registration Certificate Available Copy of Pan Card Available A...
    Unique Id of VO/NGO GJ/2019/0236533 Registration Details Registered With Charity Commissioner Type of NGO Trust (Non-Government) Registration No E-3112/KUTCH Copy of Registration Certificate Available Copy of Pan Card Available Act name Mumbai Sarvaj...
    Unique Id of VO/NGO GJ/2020/0263976 Registration Details Registered With Charity Commissioner Type of NGO Trust (Non-Government) Registration No F/19184 Copy of Registration Certificate Available Copy of Pan Card Available Act name 1950 MUMBAI 29 Cit...
  • deevaba foundation
    Unique Id of VO/NGO GJ/2019/0235008 Registration Details Registered With Charity Commissioner Type of NGO Registered Societies (Non-Government) Registration No F/4490 Copy of Registration Certificate Available Copy of Pan Card Available Act name DEEV...
  • Deepak Medical Foundation
    Unique Id of VO/NGO GJ/2018/0210998 Registration Details Registered With Registrar of Companies Type of NGO Private Sector Companies (Sec 8/25) Registration No 23630 / TA Copy of Registration Certificate Available Copy of Pan Card Available Act name ...
  • Deepak Medical Foundation
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